Ask for compensation for your prejudice with Edelweiss Air

Edelweiss Air, a Swiss airline that started service in 1995. Today, it operates an airline network of 75 destinations, spread all over the world.

Traffic disturbed in your airport causing several hours of delay or cancellation of your flight to be provided by the Swiss carrier? Confirm if this was not due to a major force because the inconvenience suffered by the fault airlines are compensable.

The repair of various disputes including air damage, requires the intervention of specialists who can deal with any type of conflict.

Connected lawyers ... waiting for your go-ahead to tackle your case:

Lawyers who intervene mainly for the benefit of the victims of the aerial inconveniences propose to take in your place the constitution and the management of your claim file of compensation.

The role of these experts is to provide personalized solutions to the need of passengers suffering from different types of moral damages because of their air carriers like the cancellation of flights without prior prevention and delays of aircraft, ...

Unlike you and any air passenger who does not know the law, these lawyers can juggle a multitude of rules allowing them to deal with any type of litigation related to the airline industry.

A restorative allowance? How is she determined?

Compensation for repairing inconvenience is determined by the mileage only:

< 1500 Km => 250 €
≤ 3500 Km => 400 €
> 3500 Km => 600 €

Flight delayed

A series of delays can occur to the travelers for various reasons namely, the strike of the train crew, the cabin crew or the air traffic controllers, the mechanical breakdowns, the climatic conditions, ... Truly, delays resulting from inconvenient weather for air travel or strike action by commercial cabin crew members for any reason, can be repaired because they can be managed by the airlines, or by other words, they are not beyond their control.


Claiming money for the repair of his inconvenience suffered from Edelweiss Air? Absolutely, an injury resulting from a cancellation of an air travel can only be repaired by the payment of compensation. Passengers who opt for a refund of their ticket are also entitled to compensation. Moreover, the mere fact that they were rerouted to their destination does not give their right carrier to refuse to compensate them unless their plane landed with a delay of less than three hours.

Missed conenction flight

When one can not board a flight after stopping at any airport, following the late landing of his first plane, the passenger is entitled to be compensated by his carrier taking charge of the operation of the first half of his flight.

If this inconvenience is caused by Edelweiss Air, it is supposed to offer compensation to all passengers missing their correspondence to repair it.


By the time the Edelweiss Air flight is overbooked, the airline's flight crew is immediately starting to look for volunteers to give up their reservation and seat. There are still passengers who agree to exchange their seat for certain benefits including a night, a sum of money, an upgrade, ... provided that they are rerouted to another aircraft as soon as possible.

Indeed, overbooking can earn you more than you think, passengers who experience such an inconvenience have the opportunity to bail out their pocket (winning up to 600euros per trip).

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