Ask for compensation for your prejudice with Air Austral

Air Austral, a company that is based mainly in Reunion Gillot Roland-Garros, and which has several other hubs from which it deploys its ten aircraft to one hundred and twenty three destinations including fifty nine European cities.

Although it displays a rate of punctuality considered acceptable by the consulting agencies of which Skytrax, like any other airline, Air Austral is far from infallible.

Claiming compensation for late cancellation or take-off? Where to go to get it?

Online lawyers only need your booking reference to begin the process leading to your compensation.

Disputes and disputes relating to air transport are resolved by lawyers specializing in the compensation of air passengers. You can contact them online to give them the green light for the constitution and management of your compensation file.

Can the lump sum be calculated based on which factor?

Financial compensation is your right, rate it by comparing your trip to one of the following distances:

< 1500 Km => 250 €
≤ 3500 Km => 400 €
> 3500 Km => 600 €


Do not let a flight delay ruin your vacation. Familiarize yourself with the rules applicable by the European Parliament for the defense and protection of your rights as a consumer in the European Union. Are you stuck at the airport? You are entitled to assistance in addition to compensation. However, the lump sum payment will not be paid if the plane arrives with a delay of less than three hours. Since you travel with Air Austral which is a European company, the inconvenience of which it is at the origin are all repairable except in case of occurrence of major forces.

Cancellation flight

Your flight has been canceled? Your airline has asked you to calm down by promising to find another way to get to your destination as soon as possible. However, be aware that in case of inconvenience that occurs before your departure, you have rights to defend. The time lost at the airport must be compensated. This is what it indicates the European law. The aim of the compensation of the passengers is to compensate them for the countless hours they spent at the airport against their will.

Missed conenction

According to statistics unveiled by civil aviation experts, more than one hundred passengers miss their correspondence every day.
The number of missed connections is growing strongly, this is due of course to the increase of the flights including stopovers whose seats are worth less compared to those which are proposed on the direct flights.

In any case, this inconvenience gives rise to a monetary repair, calculated according to the distance of the flight only.


What right does the passenger have when his Air Austral plane is overbooked? First of all, it should be noted that no regulation imposes on air operators to avoid overbooking; on the other hand, laws exist to protect consumers from the inconvenience caused by airlines, which are probably against the idea of to repair.

A significant portion of travelers are unaware that overbooking is framed by a strong law that provides for compensation for their benefit, whether it has been forced or amicably evacuated.

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